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Weight is an important factor when cycling, so you are probably wondering: Are eBikes heavy? How much do they weigh? 

eBikes, on the whole, are heavier than conventional bikes, mostly due to their electric components. The average road bike weighs about 17.5 lbs while the average eBike weighs about 35-40 lbs.

So, the average eBike is about twice as heavy as a traditional bike with a similar shape and build. 

Weight is an important consideration because it impacts speed, distance, and mobility. Distance and weight are generally inversely related as the heavier the bike, the less distance it can travel on a single battery charge. The lighter it is the longer distance it can travel, assuming the battery produces the same amount of power. 

Speed and weight are roughly inversely related at low velocities and more directly proportional at a higher speed. This is because it is harder to accelerate a heavy bike from a standstill and easier to accelerate a light bike.

Conversely, at high speeds, a heavier bike has more momentum and can maintain its speed easier (and may therefore be harder to brake).  A light bike will experience more wind resistance than a heavy bike at high speeds, and so drain more power if you try to accelerate.  

So, if you want to ride mostly in an urban, tightly packed locale, then you will probably want a lighter electric bike. That way you can start and stop faster, and have more mobility around traffic. 

Lighter bikes also tend to be better for places with hills. If you plan to ride in a flatter more sparsely populated environment, then a heavier bike eBike might be better as you can take more time to speed up and coast at higher speeds without draining the battery. 

Weight by Types of eBikes

There are different eBikes that are heavier or lighter than others on average. 

Folding Electric Bikes

Folding eBikes are typically the lightest kind. Folding bikes, as the name implies, can literally fold-up for storage and transportation. The lightest folding bikes come in at about 25-30 pounds. These kinds of bikes are best for short commutes in the city where storage space is tight. 

Commuting eBikes

Commuting bikes are a bit heftier and are somewhat like a combination of a road and mountain bike. They are designed for leisurely short to medium-length commutes and weigh around 40-55 pounds. Commuting bikes strike a good balance between range and maneuverability while maintaining comfortable handling and weight. 

Racing/Road eBikes

Racing eBikes are the lightest models and are usually thinly and aerodynamic. Racing bikes are designed mostly for flat roads and should not be taken on things like gravel or dirt. These bikes also tend to be expensive because they are specially engineered to minimize wind resistance while maintaining a light yet durable frame.

Electric Mountain Bikes

eMTBs are generally the heaviest kind and weigh between 50-70 pounds. Mountain eBikes have thick frames, thick tires, and are designed for on-road and off-road cycling. These kinds of bikes also tend to have more robust suspension systems. A decent suspension system on a mountain bike can increase the battery’s operation range as the electrical energy is more efficiently converted into forward momentum because there is less shock resistance.

Electric Cruiser Bikes

Cruiser bikes are like heavier-duty commuting eBikes. They have robust frames, large batteries, and are designed for longer commutes on flat terrain. Cruisers usually have larger handlebars, a wider seat for comfort, and a lower-profile for relaxed riding. 

One final weight consideration is the battery. More powerful bikes are heavier simply because they need a heavier battery. So make sure you look at the battery size too when looking at a bike. 

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